What is the best internet marketing course for newbies?
Have you been looking to earn an income online?
If you have, you’ve probably been exposed to many great promises in exchange for inserting your credit card only to be utterly disappointed after numerous up-sells and flat out scams.
You are not alone!
I too have had my share of ups and downs while searching for that perfect online vehicle to get my ideas on the internet.
It’s one thing to get online with your site, it’s another to get it seen and ranked high in the search engines. To do this, you will need some skills and special knowledge.

Google Search
Don’t give up! It is out there. I have found a truly amazing team of people dedicated to my success, and now yours.
My wife and I have been our own bosses for over 25 years and we will help you to do the same. See About Don
A Wealthy Affiliate Review
Over all rankings: 5 out of 5 stars *****+ Excellent
Price: FREE Start-up for 7 days. After the first week it’s only $19.00 for the first month then $47.00/mo. or $359.00 yearly for Premium/full access (can cancel at anytime)

Owners: Kyle and Carson
Who can use this?
Anyone looking to create an presence online for any topic of their choice.
Skill Level: Very basic computer knowledge. Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced
What’s in it for you?
Here is what we found:
LIVE 24/7 support, 365 days a year (even at 3 in the morning) 
Easy step by step instructions and tools to build your own website
Full training on how the Internet can provide an income
Literally 1000’s of tutorials, classes, and videos on every topic you’ll ever need
Keyword search tool and how to use them-try Jaaxy now!

Freedom to choose your own ideas and passion
Knowledge of how to get high rankings on Google Search engines
Personal one on one guidance directly from the owners
An online community of people who care about your success!
FREE start-up
PLEASE don’t take my word for it. Check it out yourself: Watch this Video
go to: Wealthy Affiliate and see if this is a good fit for you.
I wish you all the best for your success!
Have Your Best Day EVER!!